Outdoor Glossary
Tramping in New Zealand has its own peculiar language. Here is a list of common tramping terms
I often use and their meaning:
Aotearoa: (a-o-tea-a-ro-ah) The indigenous name for the islands which make up New Zealand. It is a Maori word meaning 'Land of the Long White Cloud'. The clouds were the first thing Maori saw as they migrated here in the 7th Century.
A.S.L/asl: above sea level, a measure of altitude above the mean coastline
A.S.L/asl: above sea level, a measure of altitude above the mean coastline
ATC: Ara Tramping Club...another local tramping club based at my work, Ara Institute of Canterbury
backcountry: either private or public land removed from roads, centres of population (boonies/wop wops/ back of beyond)
backcountry: either private or public land removed from roads, centres of population (boonies/wop wops/ back of beyond)
Real backcountry...Murchison Mountains near Te Anau |
bach: (bat-ch) a small (or not so small) holiday home, usually in some Mecca of tourism (holiday home, crib)
baggins: (bag-ins) there is a pastime in New Zealand called hut bagging. Similar to peak bagging the object is to visit as many of the over 1000 backcountry huts we have in this country. As of 2021 my hut bag is nearly 300...aka hut bagging
basic/standard/serviced: These are DOC hut ratings- basic: no charge, very few amenities, standard: $5 per night, will have mattresses, toilet, water source but that may be all, serviced: $15 per night, will have mattresses, heating, toilets, water source, firewood and some have a hut warden
basic/standard/serviced: These are DOC hut ratings- basic: no charge, very few amenities, standard: $5 per night, will have mattresses, toilet, water source but that may be all, serviced: $15 per night, will have mattresses, heating, toilets, water source, firewood and some have a hut warden
BCC: Back Country Cuisine, one of the freeze dried meal ranges available in New Zealand (back country/dehy/freeze dry)
benched: A track that is benched has a discernible shape as they were usually cut for pack horses and wagons. There will be a bank on the up hill side of a benched track
benched: A track that is benched has a discernible shape as they were usually cut for pack horses and wagons. There will be a bank on the up hill side of a benched track
Classic benched track, Quail Island 2018 |
billy: a small pot, traditionally aluminium, for boiling water/tea in...see also swing the billy
biv, bivvy, bivouac: a small rough shelter or a sheltered camp-site
biv, bivvy, bivouac: a small rough shelter or a sheltered camp-site
bluff: a cliff, or steep hill: to be bluffed: finding oneself at a point where there are bluffs above, below and on both sides of you. Not recommended!
brew: a hot drink, traditionally tea made in a billy, but... a brew, a cuppa, coffee (it doesn't actually have to be coffee, it could be tea or hot chocolate)
brew kit: your equipment for making a hot drink, it is an old military term. Mine consists of a pot, stove, gas canister, spoon, tea and sugar substitute all held in a carry bag
bush: New Zealand word for a native forest or wooded area. The bush in New Zealand can be dense and impenetrable especially on the West Coast of the South Island
brew: a hot drink, traditionally tea made in a billy, but... a brew, a cuppa, coffee (it doesn't actually have to be coffee, it could be tea or hot chocolate)
brew kit: your equipment for making a hot drink, it is an old military term. Mine consists of a pot, stove, gas canister, spoon, tea and sugar substitute all held in a carry bag
My brew kit laid out for inspection |
bush: New Zealand word for a native forest or wooded area. The bush in New Zealand can be dense and impenetrable especially on the West Coast of the South Island
bushline: line above which native forest stops growing, usually between 1000-1500 metres asl
cairn: a man made pile or mound of stones which signal the course of a track/route/river crossing
camp site: a location either formal or informal for pitching a tent
CTC: Canterbury Tramping Club, one of my local tramping groups, second oldest in New Zealand
clag/clagged in: fog or foggy/cloudy conditions
Col: a low point between two different mountains/hills also called a Gap in some countries
cooker: New Zealand name for a tramping stove (camp stove, burner)
cooker: New Zealand name for a tramping stove (camp stove, burner)
CTC: Canterbury Tramping Club, one of my local tramping groups, second oldest in New Zealand
DOC: Department of Conservation, government department in charge of the outdoors in New Zealand. They control nearly 40% of our landmass with very minimal resources..please treat DOC personal with respect
dunny: slang for toilet (see also long drop)
Epiphytes: non parasitic plants that grow on other plants. Common on big mature Podocarp trees like Rimu, Totora, Matai and Kahikatea
fire box: a metal enclosed fireplace in many back country huts (wood burner, log burner, pot belly)
The firebox in the new Manson-Nichols Hut at Lake Daniell |
fly: A tarp or other single sheet overhead cover. Much favoured by older tramper's for their usefulness in the thick New Zealand bush. Usually waterproof nylon/plastic with tie ropes around the edge (tarp/basha/hootch/tent fly)
FMC: Federated Mountain Clubs, an umbrella organisation consisting of various tramping/climbing/MTB/skiing clubs which advocates for outdoor users and the environment
FMC: Federated Mountain Clubs, an umbrella organisation consisting of various tramping/climbing/MTB/skiing clubs which advocates for outdoor users and the environment
gaiter: (gay-tor) nylon, Gore Tex or canvas covering that stretches from the bottom of the boots to just below the knee, designed to prevent debris from entering the boot
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Classic high gaiters on track |
giardia: a protozoa that infects the intestines of mammals causing sickness
GPS: Global Positioning System. Usually a hand held device which will provide navigation information such as latitude, longitude and elevation
Great Walk: A special designation of track, with a superior track/hut quality. All need to be pre booked and all have track/hut wardens from October-April. There are 12 Great Walks in New Zealand
Great Walk: A special designation of track, with a superior track/hut quality. All need to be pre booked and all have track/hut wardens from October-April. There are 12 Great Walks in New Zealand
Greenstone: New Zealand name for pounamu or the local variety of jade. A very important resource in pre European trade as used to make weapons/tools/ornaments. Most greenstone comes from the West Coast of the South Island south of Hokitika
hard yakka: Kiwi slang term which means to work hard tr to do some hard work...
Huey: Huey is the legendary God of tramping weather. He/she alone decides your fate...wet or dry lunches. Common phrase is/was "...Huey chucked her down..." or 'Huey made it rain'. Appease Huey at all cost with offerings of your own flesh and blood...
Hunting and Fishing: H&F is a nation wide outdoor gear shop catering to trampers, anglers and hunters. Almost every moderate sized town in New Zealand will have a Hunting and Fishing store
hard yakka: Kiwi slang term which means to work hard tr to do some hard work...
Huey: Huey is the legendary God of tramping weather. He/she alone decides your fate...wet or dry lunches. Common phrase is/was "...Huey chucked her down..." or 'Huey made it rain'. Appease Huey at all cost with offerings of your own flesh and blood...
Hunting and Fishing: H&F is a nation wide outdoor gear shop catering to trampers, anglers and hunters. Almost every moderate sized town in New Zealand will have a Hunting and Fishing store
hut bagging: there is a pastime in New Zealand called hut bagging. Similar to peak bagging the object is to visit as many of the over 1000 backcountry huts we have in this country. As of 2021 my hut bag is nearly 300...some people are in the high 900's. See also baggins
hut pass/ticket: there is a small nominal charge for using DOC huts, these are paid for using pre purchased tickets or 6-12 month passes
Department of Conservation hut pass |
kai: Maori word for food or sustenance especially wild foods gathered from the forest and sea (a feed/eats/grub/rations)
kai moana: 'food of the sea' or in other words seafood. Many of the coastal tracks in New Zealand allow you to access free seafood like fish, mussels, paua and crayfish straight from the ocean. The Queen Charlotte Track is one example. If gathering seafood always follow local fishing regulations.
kiwi: iconic flightless native bird endemic to New Zealand. Our national bird. New Zealanders also refer to themselves as kiwis!
long drop: a back country toilet, consists of a basic shelter with a toilet seat and hopefully an empty hole underneath
kai moana: 'food of the sea' or in other words seafood. Many of the coastal tracks in New Zealand allow you to access free seafood like fish, mussels, paua and crayfish straight from the ocean. The Queen Charlotte Track is one example. If gathering seafood always follow local fishing regulations.
kiwi: iconic flightless native bird endemic to New Zealand. Our national bird. New Zealanders also refer to themselves as kiwis!
long drop: a back country toilet, consists of a basic shelter with a toilet seat and hopefully an empty hole underneath
The long drop at Magdalen Hut, |
Maori: The Maori (Te Maori) are the indigenous people of Aotearoa/New Zealand. They have their own language, culture and customs. The Maori are very important to New Zealand identity and are often the guardians of outdoors places. The word Maori denotes both the people and the language, most New Zealanders will be able to speak at least some Maori. Ask them....
mate: a well utilised term used by older Kiwis as a greeting...."gidday mate how r' yer..." Can be friendly or intimate depending on the situation. If a kiwi calls you 'mate' a lot you must have impressed them somehow...
MSC: Mountain Safety Council, an independent body which co ordinates safety messages and outdoor training in New Zealand
North Island: The European name for the northern of the two main islands of New Zealand. You would have thought they could think of something a little more interesting than 'North Island'. The Maori name is Te Ika a Maui, or 'the fish of Maui'...long story!
The homepage of the Mountain Safety Council or MSC |
North Island: The European name for the northern of the two main islands of New Zealand. You would have thought they could think of something a little more interesting than 'North Island'. The Maori name is Te Ika a Maui, or 'the fish of Maui'...long story!
NP: National Park of which we have 13. There are moves to develop two more national parks at current (2021)...Remarkables NP and Wild Rivers NP both in the South Island.
NZDA: New Zealand Deerstalkers Association, a local hunting focus group
NZDF: New Zealand Defence Forces, the tri service military arms of New Zealand. Yes...we do have an Army, Navy and Airforce although all are small (less than 10 000 in total). See also SAR
NZFS: New Zealand Forestry Service, a precursor to the Department of Conservation primarily concerned with forestry
NZDA: New Zealand Deerstalkers Association, a local hunting focus group
NZDF: New Zealand Defence Forces, the tri service military arms of New Zealand. Yes...we do have an Army, Navy and Airforce although all are small (less than 10 000 in total). See also SAR
NZFS: New Zealand Forestry Service, a precursor to the Department of Conservation primarily concerned with forestry
Permolat: a disused form of track marking consisting of small reflective metal strips, a volunteer organisation that maintains huts and tracks in New Zealand
pit: a trampers sleeping bag or sleeping position in a hut or tent
pit day: a day spent in your sleeping bag or 'pit', either a rest day or bad weather day. Normally involves copious cups of tea...
pit: a trampers sleeping bag or sleeping position in a hut or tent
My pit laid out in Nina Hut |
pit day: a day spent in your sleeping bag or 'pit', either a rest day or bad weather day. Normally involves copious cups of tea...
PLB: A Personal Locator Beacon, satellite device for summoning rescue services
Podocarp: New Zealand native trees that exist in wet areas such as the West Coast of the South Island. There are many different Podocarps including Rimu/Matai/Totora/Kahikatea/Rata/Hinau etc.
Pounamu: (poo-name-oo) New Zealand name for greenstone or the local variety of jade. A very important resource in pre European trade as used to make weapons/tools/ornaments. Most pounamu comes from the West Coast of the South Island south of Hokitika
PTC: Peninsula Tramping Club, another of my local tramping groups
road end: see trail head, the end of a road and start of the track
Pounamu: (poo-name-oo) New Zealand name for greenstone or the local variety of jade. A very important resource in pre European trade as used to make weapons/tools/ornaments. Most pounamu comes from the West Coast of the South Island south of Hokitika
PTC: Peninsula Tramping Club, another of my local tramping groups
road end: see trail head, the end of a road and start of the track
route: a possible passage from location A to location B but not necessarily marked, they are often difficult, indistinct and or potentially dangerous
saddle: a low passage over a ridge. Usually the easiest route between two valley systems
SAR: Search and Rescue, the New Zealand organisation responsible for undertaking rescue missions in the outdoors. Made up of DOC, Police, NZ Defence Force, Coast Guard and civilian volunteers
SAR: Search and Rescue, the New Zealand organisation responsible for undertaking rescue missions in the outdoors. Made up of DOC, Police, NZ Defence Force, Coast Guard and civilian volunteers
scree: loose soil or stones inclined on a slope. A tramper can descend these precariously by digging your heels into the slope. Scree slopes often lead to bluffs which is the kiwi name for cliffs
scroggin thief: The villain who steals all of the chocolate from the scroggin. Don't be a scroggin thief!
A 'scree' slope in the East Hawdon Valley |
scroggin: (scrog-gain) A snack mixture of nuts, dried fruit, ginger and chocolate (trail mix, GORP)
scroggin thief: The villain who steals all of the chocolate from the scroggin. Don't be a scroggin thief!
SH73: State Highway and the number of the highway. SH73 is the road from Christchurch to Greymouth over Arthur's Pass
sidle: In New Zealand this means to follow a track or walk along the same contour line while tramping (sidling)
sidle: In New Zealand this means to follow a track or walk along the same contour line while tramping (sidling)
Silver Surfer: the name I have given my silver coloured Nissan Teana automobile
The Silver Surfer at Kerr Bay campground |
smoko: Morning or afternoon tea....in New Zealand we have a mandated 10-15 minute break mid morning and mid afternoon. Workers have a hot drink, snack or in older times a cigarette which is where the smoke comes from...(morning/afternoon tea)
South Island: The European name for the southern of the two main islands of New Zealand. ...Yep...again with the boring names. The Maori name is Te Wai Pounamu or 'the waters of greenstone'...I like that a lot more..
Stewart Island/Rakuria: (Rak-ur-ia) smallest and southern most island that makes up the mainland of New Zealand.
suspension bridge: A suspended bridge usually constructed from wire, rope and wood but more robust than a swing-bridge
swing bridge: suspension bridge usually constructed from wire, rope and wood. The classic format is four wires for the feet and six along the sides.
'swing the billy': go heat some water for tea and or coffee.
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Trampers swinging the billy on an open fire |
switch back: a zig zag path up a slope...a bit of a mythical beast as most tracks in NZ head straight up/down hills!!!
TA/ TaT/TAT/Te Araroa Trail: The Te Araroa Trail. This is a newish 3000 km's long distance trail from the top to the bottom of New Zealand
TA/ TaT/TAT/Te Araroa Trail: The Te Araroa Trail. This is a newish 3000 km's long distance trail from the top to the bottom of New Zealand
tarn: small mountain pond or lake, often glacial in origin
Topo or topo: Topographic maps, these are available on-line free of charge, type topo into Google and they are the first entry
Topo or topo: Topographic maps, these are available on-line free of charge, type topo into Google and they are the first entry
tops: the top portion of a ridge or mountain range. They are often covered in tussock or low scrub
track: a track/the track....a formed walkway from one location to another. Beware that what we call a track does not equate to what an American or European would call a track. It could be a barely discernible goat path through awesomely rugged terrain or three meters wide and wheel chair accessible. It all depends...
tramp/tramping/tramper: In New Zealand we tramp, we do not hike although they mean the same thing (hike, ramble, bush walking). A tramper is a person who enjoys walking in the outdoors
track: a track/the track....a formed walkway from one location to another. Beware that what we call a track does not equate to what an American or European would call a track. It could be a barely discernible goat path through awesomely rugged terrain or three meters wide and wheel chair accessible. It all depends...
tramp/tramping/tramper: In New Zealand we tramp, we do not hike although they mean the same thing (hike, ramble, bush walking). A tramper is a person who enjoys walking in the outdoors
three-wire bridge: a type of bridge which consists of three cables, one for the feet and two for the hands. Sporting to walk across....
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Typical three wire bridge |
'two-wire': a type of bridge with one cable for the feet and one for the hands. Very hard to cross! The term 'two wire' often has words like bastard, god-damn or bloody in front of it...
trail head: see road-end, start/finish of a track
True left/ True right: It gets really difficult to explain what side of a river valley you should be walking on so we use the expression true left-true right. The true left is the river bank on the left hand side of the descending current.
TTC: Tararua Tramping Club...the oldest tramping club in New Zealand it is based in Wellington close to the Tararua Mountain Range. Gnarly tramping to be had in the Tararua's...
tussock: a type of long native grass, present from sea level to over 2000 metres a.s.l
TVNZ: Television New Zealand, the parent media company for several of our local TV channels
water-taxi: as it says, a taxi utilising rivers, lakes or the coast as a route. Some areas are only accessible by water taxi such as the Milford Track in Fiordland or Rakuria/Stewart Island. Water taxis are also used in places like Lake Waikaremoana, the Queen Charlotte Track and Abel Tasman National Park
True left/ True right: It gets really difficult to explain what side of a river valley you should be walking on so we use the expression true left-true right. The true left is the river bank on the left hand side of the descending current.
TTC: Tararua Tramping Club...the oldest tramping club in New Zealand it is based in Wellington close to the Tararua Mountain Range. Gnarly tramping to be had in the Tararua's...
tussock: a type of long native grass, present from sea level to over 2000 metres a.s.l
TVNZ: Television New Zealand, the parent media company for several of our local TV channels
water-taxi: as it says, a taxi utilising rivers, lakes or the coast as a route. Some areas are only accessible by water taxi such as the Milford Track in Fiordland or Rakuria/Stewart Island. Water taxis are also used in places like Lake Waikaremoana, the Queen Charlotte Track and Abel Tasman National Park